Product Strategy,
de-risked, practical and doable.

We guide leadership teams to align on key challenges and to create actionable product strategies that are based on clear goals, coherent actions, and practical ideas.


Feeling stuck where you should be feeling excited?

In your head, you have a vision for your project... But without a clear roadmap, you can’t translate it to your team and stakeholders.
You aren’t getting real world validation early enough. Decision making in the dark is hard, and getting buy-in even harder.
Your company is growing, more players, more meetings, endless discussions and less conclusions. The problems seem to be getting worse with time.
Strategic planning and alignment is taking ages and seem to be never conclusive and always pivoting. You need to be aligned quicker and actually execute on strategy!
man holding head, not knowing

What you need is a framework that enables you to:

Eliminate all distractions and discussion loops.
Motivate all players to contribute on an even field, so the best ideas shine without bias.
Get started and learn fast. Cut the perfectionism that’s killing your progress.
Not only generate a massive bank of ideas, but curate and identify the standout opportunities.
Build a foolproof roadmap that your team can execute and decision makers can get behind.

Our Solution:
Product Strategy Sprint

Introducing the Strategy Sprint: a 1-week, fast, high-energy session that helps co-design a vision, strategy and roadmap. Go from months to one week and say "Bye Bye!" to the long meetings and months of drawn out planning.

Work smarter and gain alignment quicker while making effective decisions that avoid rework. It only takes three half day group sessions to define the challenge space and gather multiple ideas but also to discover opportunities and create an actionable roadmap.

We help you do more valuable work, faster

Our Product Strategy Sprint is a tried-and-proven process, in which you’re guaranteed a clear and well presented roadmap. Over the course of 1 week, we take your team through 5 phases: Define vision & challenges, align on key problems, explore challenges and solutions, design a roadmap and document the outcome.

Stop waisting time and money on aligning, planning and pivoting and get to a de-risked and doable strategy in a week.

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What's in it?

We're starting a band! One that exists of the best of the best: your in-house specialists, combined with our external expertise. Think Run DMC & Rick Rubin.

Our program is limited to just 3 half days of active participation for the whole group. We then take care of the rest: Product Strategy, sprint preparation, workshop synthesis, and final result presentation.

You bring the talent; we handle the details.

Product Strategy

Clearly articulated strategy to provide direction and actionable steps.

Team alignment & commitment

Through dynamic sessions that spark motivation & collaboration.

Concepts of your best ideas

Illustrated support for your new structured strategy.

Full remote setup & facilitation

By our team of highly specialized professionals with years of product experience.

Inspirational examples

How other smart businesses have solved similar problems.

Wrap up documentation

A summary of the findings and action plan for your internal use.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know whether we need a Product Strategy Sprint or a Design Sprint?
The best way to assess this is by booking a call with our team. Depending on your situation, we’ll suggest the best option, or direct you to another solution if our services don’t fit.

We truly believe in delivering bespoke solutions, as every challenge is unique.
What types of company or sector can benefit from a Product Strategy Sprint?
We’ve facilitated Sprints in every size of company, from small start-ups right up to large multinationals, and in a huge variety of sectors from FinTech to Automotive to Consumer Product Goods and many more. We’ll always give you our honest opinion if there’s a better option for your particular challenge – book a call for a free no-sales assessment.

Our project is very complex. How do I know if this will work for our company?
This is a structure that has been successful for businesses of all types and sizes all over the world. But before you commit we’ll always have a free, no obligation chat, so we can confirm if it’s right for your situation. It’s not in our interests to sell you something that isn’t going to work.
How many team members from our company can participate?
The ideal number is 5, but we can confirm this on our intro call.

I have a different question

No problem! Please shoot us an email at

Let's get the ball rolling.

Let's have fun and see how we can support.