Disrupting traditional silos and synergizing teams with innovative techniques

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Frequently asked questions

What kind of workshops do you provide?
We take great pride in creating bespoke workshops for all our clients, fitting their challenges . Our workshops help to create outcomes based on creative thinking and analytical decision-making.

Every client has different challenges - they might need a strategy sprint, team health & collaboration session, a leadership retreat, or a product strategy and roadmap prioritization sprint - and we aim to solve those challenges in the time we are given: It being half a day, 3 days or a full design sprint (5 days).
Do you do workshops remote, on location or inhouse?
All our workshops are bespoke and custom created to the needs of our clients. Together we decide the best approach. We are flexible and are able to provide all kinds of workshops: remote, on location and inhouse.
Why are workshops better than meetings?
What distinguishes workshops from meetings is an emphasis on active participation, experiential learning and collaborative work. Workshops are better to process chunks of information, they visualize and standardize information which leads to being easier to recall and remember. Workshops have higher engagement, higher attention spans and more commitment to actions.

We have experienced first hand the struggles of meetings without decisions, overcrowded agendas with just simple status updates and disengaged participants. Through years of experience we have gathered the theoretical and practical experience to improve every meeting for 3 or more people.
What is the impact of a workshop?
Cost reduction. Plain and simple - workshops are aimed to improve speed of innovation, team collaboration, objective decision making and so on. On average a developer says to spend at least 6 hours a week in useless meetings. Say you have 50 developers for €50 an hour. That's €1200,- a month per developer, 60K PER MONTH on hours experienced as waisted. Workshops help to foster a culture of innovation and create ideas and to make meetings useful again. They increase collaboration, transparency, decision making and innovation speed.
How do you measure success?
We follow up all our workshops with NPS surveys to track and measure our own progress and results.